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Still can't figure out how to submit my design with a more 3D render instead of the basic 2D plant... Hope someone can help :/

2020-07-13 10:27:42
Flame X Rose

Hi, i really like your idea dividing the room into two section. I also like that you bring the ‘outside inside’. I definitely voting for you. Please check mine out and give your thought in the comment. Also send me your link so i could vote for you. Here’s the link to mine https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/11344 By the way your project is already 3D :)

2020-07-13 10:40:19
TBC Builds

hi, when you look at yours from the list, it already has a 3D effect. Please check out mine as well. I like yours. Thanks! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/11351

2020-07-13 10:56:22

************************ ************************ *********************** Hello, please check my Livingroom https://planner5d.com/fr/contests/detail/11555 And Renders : https://planner5d.com/storage/s/470f7757a72d24a9ba2e13de17c5609b_1.jpg?v=1594671568 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/470f7757a72d24a9ba2e13de17c5609b_3.jpg?v=1594672065 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/470f7757a72d24a9ba2e13de17c5609b_4.jpg?v=1594672086 *********************** *********************** ***********************

2020-07-13 21:05:35
Anonymous :)

I love the light green. The painting looks nice with the rest of the room. I like how the tv is on top of the fireplace. The paintings look really nice and altogether the room is cozy. My suggestion is to make the books light green, not red. I will vote for you. Please check mine out. https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/11275

2020-07-14 00:30:03
Hall Pat

Los colores que elegiste son muy frescos y agradables, repartirse muy bien el espacio en la habitación :) Te agradecería si visitaras mi proyecto :) https://planner5d.com/es/contests/detail/11289 Aquí un render de mi habitación. https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/S66KA :)

2020-07-14 17:24:43

love the green colour scheme, it works really well with the dark walls :)

2020-07-15 20:21:46

here is my design https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/11693, and a few renders https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/S60RV/, https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/S60R9/, https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/S60RZ/, i would love it if you could check it out and leave a comment

2020-07-15 20:21:48

WOW! This looks fantastic! I love the color combo and the way you arranged the furniture! I would love it if you could checkout my project if you like/comment I will do the same for you! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/11894/

2020-07-16 14:19:52
Flame X Rose

I’ve just voted for you :) https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/11344/

2020-07-17 08:01:10

This is really cool! I love the green! Your living room looks amazing! Voted! Please check out mine https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/12009

2020-07-17 20:24:44
Interior Designsss

Looks very realistic, and creative!!! I love the lights on the grass! I think maybe a different picture would look nice as a painting, a matching one! I voted for you! Please vote for me! Thank you! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/11283

2020-07-17 22:09:16
Ms. Deedra

Very nice. And I voted for you.

2020-07-17 23:53:49

https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/11313. I love how you made a footpath to the room and added trees outside and your green sofas have a great vibe to your house it looks very beautiful

2020-07-18 22:40:45

i voted for you https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/11693

2020-07-19 09:20:33

Hi, I really like how open and airy this room feels! I would really like it if you could check out my design and leave a comment/like if my design is worthy of your vote. https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/11894

2020-07-19 14:35:12