Спальня для девочки

Спроектируйте спальню для девочки с зоной для сна и учебы, местом для хранения книг и игрушек. Цвет стен должен остаться белым.

Safiyo Abdirisaq

Комментарии (15)

Safiyo Abdirisaq

i love what i have just created, I am a beginner but just look at it am proud of my self.

2020-06-21 09:40:15

I just voted for you. Please vote for me https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/6172

2020-06-21 11:29:35

wow! i love it! i voted for u, please vote for me! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/6357

2020-06-21 12:38:16

wow! I am in love with this! the colors just go together super well! you have my vote! here is the link to my project if you want to look at it https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/7175

2020-06-21 12:44:04

wait a minute there is no bed!

2020-06-21 12:44:49

oh well...

2020-06-21 12:44:57

I still love it!

2020-06-21 12:45:24

it's really good.. I like it.. I vote for you and my link https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/6327 check it.. if you like it please vote for me.. I hope you like it

2020-06-21 13:03:07
Safiyo Abdirisaq

I didn't even know it was supposed to be a kids room but I just designed a kids office room

2020-06-21 13:11:58
Safiyo Abdirisaq

by the way that is a boy's kids room/office

2020-06-21 13:12:38
Safiyo Abdirisaq

And thank you to all that have voted for me, I appreciate it!

2020-06-21 13:14:17
Hall Pat

Me agrada así que vote por ti. (Aproposito) te agradecería que visitarlas mi proyecto y votarás por el si te gusta o dejaras un comentario y/o sugerencia ;) https://planner5d.com/es/contests/detail/6206

2020-06-21 13:40:41

i voted 4 u pls vote 4 me https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/6319

2020-06-21 13:40:48
Safiyo Abdirisaq

Erro* girls room

2020-06-22 08:53:09
Safiyo Abdirisaq

honestly, I am new to this and did not read the instruction, but lesson learned

2020-06-22 08:53:57