Komentarze (11)


Are the comments taken as votes? This is my second attempt so I’m a novice!

2021-01-19 14:59:13
User 15281715

2021-01-19 15:14:19
User 15281715

2021-01-19 15:16:08
User 15281715

2021-01-19 15:20:55
Summer Diederich

wdym "I’m a novice second attempt critics"

2021-01-19 15:27:22

Thank you very much Erin. I’m taking all this in learning curve for me. Thanks for the compliment that’s my print design yes it looks nice on kitchen floor have used it on one of my unpublished designs.

2021-01-19 16:05:05
Summer Diederich


2021-01-19 16:19:43
User 19145838

2021-01-19 16:45:44

Thank you very much. Will definitely check yours out

2021-01-19 16:57:43

Hi! The tub is a color that doesn't go with the room. The layout is nice, the floor is a nice pattern.

2021-01-19 19:37:41

Hi Poppy thanks so much for your comments. I was trying to achieve a gold colour and I somehow got stuck with that colour I can’t even describe what colour it it honestly lol so I thought lemme just go with it anyway that’s why I called the design eclectic

2021-01-19 22:07:30