Nuevo proyecto 340245 by Jessica✅ image

Comentarios (9)
anjou mullins
i could easily live here!!!
2014-05-06 22:34:06
Okay, just pay the rent XDD
2014-05-06 22:35:19
anjou mullins
will do my friend
2014-05-06 22:41:09
No, just kidding, your vacation home when you come to Spain
2014-05-06 22:42:16
Now is a good season, within a month it is summer for us
2014-05-06 22:47:47
anjou mullins
i am enjoying the colder weather here, i think you have the same climate as mine here in queensland very hot in summer.
2014-05-06 23:12:47
Exactly here in summer 45 º to 50 º
2014-05-06 23:16:03
anjou mullins
heck, that is a bit hotter than where i live. our average temperature is about 39!!!!
2014-05-07 01:06:38
That in my city, in southern Spain over 50 on many occasions. Here summer is impossible, and as strong come one people die
2014-05-07 01:11:03